Go part time
Do you desire to be a more effective disciple maker for the Lord Jesus? The following documents contain information that will help you:
Go full time
Has the Lord called you to be a missionary? SAAWE can advise you on what equipment you need and how your church can send and care for you. See the following for more information:
- “How to become a missionary?”
- “God’s Will for My Life”.
- Guidelines for the Support Team of a missionary.
- Current list of
in mission organisations.
Write to us at info@saawe.org.za and tell your story if information on the SAAWE website helped you to become involved in missions part-time or fulltime or to go on a short term outreach. Visit the websites of mission organizations for more information.
Helpful links
- Africa Inland Mission – www.aimint.org
- F.E.B.A. Radio – www.febaradio.co.za
- Frontiers – www.frontiers.org.za
- Interserve – www.interserve.org
- New Tribes Mission – www.ntm.org
- OMF International – www.omf.org
- Operation Mobilisation – www.om.org
- SIM Serving in Mission – www.sim.org
- Trans World Radio – www.twr.org
- WEC International – www.wecinternational.org
- Wycliffe Bible Translators – www.wycliffe.org.za
- Youth With a Mission – www.ywam.org